Sukey graduated from VACC College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Vancouver. She is skilled at using traditional Chinese medicine, Tui-Na massage, acupuncture and cosmetic acupuncture, and FSN. In 2018, Sukey learned Fu’s subcutaneous needling techniques from Professor Zhonghua Fu, the inventor of Fu’s subcutaneous needling. Later she continued to study FSN needling under Dr. Bo Yu, a master of FSN needling in Shandong Province of China. During her years in clinical practice, she has utilized a variety of acupuncture techniques, specializing in Fu’s Subcutaneous Needling (FSN) therapy and has worked successfully with patients with various conditions for rehabilitation from motor vehicle accidents, pain management, sports injury, psychological disorders, stroke recovery, memory loss, women’s health issues such as menstrual pain and infertility. Her treatment is patient focused and effective to assist all patients in their optimal recovery.